Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 16:47 |  
Tick tock tick tock
Time goes by so slowly yet so fast. When was it when i last posted? hmmm..lets see. Oh I remember! It was Christmas, and now its 11th day of Chinese New Year, and 1 day before another lonely Valentine *sigh*
Enough pitying myself already cause life must go on and so i shall.
Escaped going back to my dad's side of the family and i got a few angpau from there although i wasn't there but who won't accept free money eh?
Now what is the plan for tomorrow?
Go get a date?
Go get drunk?
Impossible! I need to drive back after that.
Go crying into the pillow for the reason that nobody wants to be my date?
Nah~ I'm way past that point already.
Then what?
Live on like another normal day. Although i'll definitely miss someone along the day but who cares? I do no harm missing her (making her sneeze a few times wouldn't harm). Though she might not know it is her i'm missing but still i do hope you prepared enough tissue paper tomorrow if you read this and you think you might be the one =)

Happy Valentine Day everyone!
Feel free to take a choc from here XD
Have a break, have a Rocher

Ps: Happy Birthday Karmun (Happy Belated Birthday if you read this few days/weeks/months later)
Proudly presented by tommypoh666


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